Prof. CPA Elizabeth N. Muvui-Kalunda
Prof. Elizabeth M. Kalunda was appointed as a member of the Board effective from 1 November 2021. She is a nominee of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya in accordance with Section 15(1)(f) of the Accountants Act, No.15 of 2008.
She is a holder of Doctor of Philosophy, Business Administration, Banking Specialization, University of Nairobi, Masters in Business Administration (M.B.A) Accounting option, University of Nairobi, Bachelor of Education from Moi University and the Certified Public Accounting Profession.
Prof. Kalunda is a Professor at the United States International University- Africa (USIU-A), in the Chandaria School of Business in the area of Finance and Accounting. She previously served at the Institute of Certified Public Accountant of Kenya in various positions as, Training Manager, Head of Technical Training and Project Co-coordinator-World Bank-IDF. She has also served as the Associate Director at JMG Strategy Innovations Ltd in charge of Business Research. She has also worked at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, Government Training Institute and Teachers Service Commission.
Prof. Kalunda is a seasoned consultant, facilitator and researcher and has been involved in research in the area of Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Women Economic Development and Banking Outreach. She has trained various groups in design thinking, business development, business plans and innovations.
Prof. Kalunda is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK), Audit Committee Member of Nairobi County Government and Board of Directors of Kasarani Technical and Vocational College and a Board member in a number of Secondary Schools in Kenya.